Make Washington Work Like We Do!

america first works
Washington is supposed to serve the people -- NOT the other way around. But many of the so-called “elites” there are living by a different set of rules than we do... Read More

Unshackle American Energy!

america first works
Joe Biden and his fellow Washington "elites" have dismantled the energy independence President Trump worked so hard to achieve. By blocking energy production, they have made the price of gas and electricity soar, driving up the cost of every product and service that depends on energy to be made and delivered. ... Read More

Taxpayers Bill of Rights

america first works
Joe Biden and his fellow Washington "elites" have dismantled the energy independence President Trump worked so hard to achieve. By blocking energy production, they have made the price of gas and electricity soar, driving up the cost of every product and service that depends on energy to be made and delivered. ... Read More

Secure the Border!

america first works
The "elites" are systematically destroying America’s sovereignty by erasing our borders. They have flung open the entrance to America – and the resulting invasion has brought law breakers, drug smugglers, sex traffickers, and terrorists into our communities, resulting in countless assaults and deaths of innocent Americans. ... Read More

America First!

america first works
Everyday, "elites" go on TV to say we should keep in control the very people who are making Americans poorer, destroying our jobs, restricting our freedoms, and subjecting us to record inflation, illegal border crossings, and violent crime. They are so wrong! ... Read More